is a reference to a cell or range of cells and can refer to multiple areas.
- It gives the number of areas in a reference.
- It should be surrounded with brackets, if there is more than one range.
- The area can be single cell or many continuous cells
Let's see an example =AREAS(B3:D5) is 2 =AREAS((B3:D5,E7,F5:I3)) is 3
=AREAS((B1:C4,E5)) is 2 =AREAS((B1:C4,E1,F2:J9)) is 3 =AREAS((B1:C4,E1,F2:J9,I8,N1)) is 5 =AREAS(B2:G8:J5) is 1 =AREAS(B2:D4:E5:F6:I9) is 1