InGridApp/Create Photo Display Wall

Revision as of 13:46, 26 May 2016 by Njackson100 (talk | contribs)
How to do Creative Photo Display

Let us examine how to create a photo display wall like the hall of fame shown here.

Hall of fame.PNG


  1. Draw a rectangle by selecting the rectangle shape icon. Rectangle_2.png
  2. Press the fill color icon and change the fill color. Fill-color_2.png
  3. Select rectangular photo frame. rectangular-picture-frame.png Draw the rectangle. It prompts for a photo. Select a photo.
  4. Select round frame. circular-picture-frame.png Draw the round frame. Select the photo to be placed within. Change the stroke color of the frame, if needed by selecting the stroke icon. 
  5. Select another frame and select a photo. rectangular-picture-frame.png
  6. Select box text icon Textbox_2.png . Write text. Place the rectangle in whatever position you like.
  7. Press save icon to save it to device.  


This video demonstrates how to create a photo display wall.

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