- is the set of values.
- This function shows the Adjoint of a given matrix.
- In , is the set of matrix values.
- Adjoint of a matrix is called adjugate, classical adjoint, or adjunct.Adjoint of a matrix formed by taking the transpose of the cofactor matrix of a given original Square matrix.
- Adjoint of matrix A is written by .
- The adjugate of A is the transpose of the cofactor matrix C of A, .
- Also adjoint of a matrix is defined by .
- The adjugate of 1x1 matrix is .
- The adjugate of 2x2 matrix is .
- Consider3x3 matrix .
- Its adjugate is the transpose of its cofactor matrix:Failed to parse (unknown function "\begin{pmatrix}"): {\displaystyle adj(A)=C^{T} = \begin{pmatrix} +\begin{vmatrix} a_ {22}& a_{23} \\ a_ {32}& a_{33} \end{vmatrix} & - \begin{vmatrix} a_ {12}& a_{13} \\ a_ {32}& a_{33} \end{vmatrix} & +\begin{vmatrix} a_ {12}& a_{13} \\ a_ {22}& a_{23} \end{vmatrix}}
a_{12} & a_{13} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} \\ a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33} \end{pmatrix} </math>.