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OFFSET (ReferenceRange,RowsOffset,ColumnsOffset,Height,Width)


  • is a reference cell or base cell of the offset,
  • represents the number of cells up or down the reference cell,
  • represents the number of cells left or right to the reference cell,
  • is an optional value that represents the number of rows to be displayed as the output, and
  • is an optional value that represents the number of columns to be displayed as the output.
    • OFFSET(), returns a reference offset from a given reference.


OFFSET (ReferenceRange,RowsOffset,ColumnsOffset,Height,Width)

  • OFFSET function is used to display the value of cell that is specified number of rows or columns away from the reference.
  • Offset reference should be within the spreadsheet, else Calci displays #NULL error message.
  • can be positive or negative. If is positive, it means move down from the reference. If is negative, it means move up from the reference.
  • can be positive or negative. If is positive, it means move right from the reference. If is negative, it means move left from the reference.
  • If or is omitted, Calci assumes it to be the same Height or Width as the reference.
  • and should be > 1, else Calci displays #NULL error message.


Consider the following examples that demonstrate the use of OFFSET function:

Fruit Color Quantity
Orange Orange 20
Banana Yellow 30
Apple Red 18
Strawberry Red 25
=OFFSET(A2,2,2,1,1) : Returns the value in cell that is located two rows down(2) and 
one row to the right(2) from A2. Displays 18 as the output. =OFFSET(B3,1,-1) : Returns the value in cell that is located one row down(1) and
one row to the left(-1) from B3. Displays Apple as the output.

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